Have a butchers at our special Treasure Hunt written in Cockney, traditional rhyming slang from the East End of London. We'll have you on your dog's meat exploring the locality with such enthusiasm that you'll end up with Spanish onions if you're not careful,
Traditional Cockney merges with more modern 'Popney' in this highly entertaining and quite illuminating challenge. And if you want to get tidy and neat there are plenty of excellent rub a dubs where you can try pie and mash or something less adventurous if you prefer. Let's not get into a bull and cow about it. You'll be making up your own by the time we've finished.
Give us a call on the dog and bone and we'll rabbit through the options. You do not have to stick to the East End for this event, you can still head west and finish in a location such as Covent Garden.
As with all of our themed events we do this with a light touch, so the event is plenty of fun but you do not have to decipher every word, which would be tiring.
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